Near Mars, a traitorous admiral launches a surprise attack against a home he once loved.

In Earth orbit, hijacked drones slam into an unsuspecting fleet.

36,000 kilometers below, citizens in the mega-city of Atlanta look to the sky as a massive ship plummets from orbit, the dying remains of the largest deep-space warship ever built… now the largest man-made bomb ever conceived.

So begins Sol War.

From fleet battles off the moon of Phobos to a deadly game of espionage at Callisto and a desperate struggle to save Mars from a genocidal madman, Sol War is a sweeping story of the horror, heroism and drama of mankind’s first civil war that spanned a solar system. 


A military scifi warfare novel in development!


Beginning Chapter 9! The fall of the Outer Worlds begins. From Juno to Titan, insurgent forces take their power and revenge. But in their victory comes a dramatic change of plans.

Some of the things I’m researching for this chapter:

  • The fall of Iraq

  • The rise of ISIS

  • Partisan forces in WW2

  • Life on the International Space Station

Last updated: 11/10/22

Aurora 4x game: a science fiction writer's best friend

An awesome science fiction what-if simulation game to use for your scifi writing.

About the Author

In the 1980's I read three books that rocked my world: Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, Red Storm Rising by Clancy and The Third World War by Hackett. LOTR captured me with its world building, Red Storm Rising the realism and the Third World War with the art of speculative fiction. 

Armed with that, in 2012 I wrote and self-published “Day One”, a short book that told the lead-up and first day of a future war of independence. I had a goal of selling 100 copies. I sold 6,000. Ten years later, with the time, focus and elements available to me, I am (finally!) now working to tell the entire story of the war. Once completed, I have other stories in the same universe to tell; an oral history of the war, a biography of Nolan Shaw - the monster who launched the war, and others. Join me and let’s see where this goes.

When not roaming the Earth with my wife, Morgan, you will find me either in Michigan or a few thousand feet above it.